Top 5 Foods for Good Eyesight

Mar 29, 2023 | Dr Burd Wonder Spray News

Food is an integral part of our lives and it is imperative that we eat food to stay fit. There are a number of food items available in the market but hardly a few of them are healthy for our bodies. This makes it important to keep a track of what you eat and what you skip. A healthy eating habit and lifestyle, along with proper physical exercise helps overall fitness and increases the chances of eye problems. Here are the top 5 things you should eat to have good eyesight.

(A) Green Vegetables: Fresh green and dark green vegetables are one of the most important for eyesight and if you are regularly taking green vegetables like Spinach, kale, broccoli etc. These vegetables help provide the amount of antioxidants that are needed to repair eyes and provide good vision.

(B) Eggs: Earlier people associated eggs with weight gain and other health concerns but having eggs each day provides good source of healthy cholesterol, sodium and protein. Eggs are also cheaper than fish or chicken and can easily be added to a variety of breakfast, lunch and even dinner recipes.

(C) Nuts: Including nuts like almonds and walnuts are good for eyesight development. Almonds have been found to carry good levels of potassium and vitamins. These nuts are high in protein and vitamins making it easier for the body to stay fit.

(D) Citrus Fruits: If you are having citrus fruits like Oranges, Grapefruit. Lime or Tangerines then you will surely be adding a lot of healthy vitamins to your body daily. Citrus fruits are low in fibre but they have high amount of Vitamin C, Folate, Potassium and Phyto-chemicals in them. The recent studies by researchers have proven that people with regular consumption of Vitamin C rich foods are at low chances of having Cataracts. So, you can definitely add a citrus fruit in your diet everyday and enjoy better eye health in future.

(E) Fish: Cold water fish like salmon and tuna are good source of Omega 3 fatty acids and helps to create better eyesight by boosting blood flow to the eyes. Also the consumption of fish helps the eyes to fight against dry eye syndrome and improve the health of the blood vessels in the eyes.

So, these are all of the benefits that these food items can bring for your eyes. Most people who have eye problems would do better if they went for regular eye examinations, and kept a check on their prescription power change and get branded eyeglasses online for their eyes, even if they are busy to go to a store. But for long term help to for your eyesight, it’s better to eat better and see better.

Source by Jayita Chanda

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