How to Perform Salt Water Pool Maintenance

Feb 7, 2023 | Dr Burd Wonder Spray News


Salt water pools are the simplest types of pools to maintain. Many owners choose this type of pool over the standard chlorine pool because of its reputation as being easier to maintain. They can also be less costly in the long run, and also better for the skin than chlorine pools. Once an owner knows how to go about it, they can easily perform the salt water pool maintenance themselves.

Salt water pool maintenance requires the owner to check the materials regularly to ensure that they are working correctly. A chlorine generator is the most basic technique used in salt water pool maintenance. This is the best way to get rid of the salt content in this type of pool. Through electrolysis, it transforms the salt into hypochlorous acid. Residue will continually accumulate on the generator that will always need to be removed. This will ensure that the generator will be working correctly. When the generator isn’t working correctly, there will be no chlorine being put into the water, and it could result in a bacterial contamination. This is one of the main reasons to stay up to date on your salt water pool maintenance.

The water pump must always be check as well. The filter in the pump must be kept clean. Salt in the water will crystallize if it is not filtered correctly. The pump will not function if there is crystallization in the filter. These should be checked on a regular schedule. Chlorine is always added to the salt water pool when the filter is running. A common mistake made is that the filter is not being run enough in order to save money. When this is done, the reduction of chlorine will allow algae to grow more frequently.

In addition to the pump, the pool liner must be regularly checked as well. When there are high concentrations of salt in the pool water, it can be damaging to the liner. Over time, the salt will dry out the lining and it will become brittle, causing it to be damaged very easily. Scrubbing the lining on a regular basis will keep it from becoming so brittle. Approximately once every month should keep it in good shape. In addition to this, there is a coating that can be applied to the lining. These have anti-salt properties that will help the lining to last longer.

The pH level should always be checked at least once, maybe twice every week. In a salt water pool, it is consistently higher than a chlorine pool. Muriatic acid may need to be added to keep the pH at a healthy level, usually between 7.4 and 7.8.

The stabilizer or conditioner for the water is cyanuric acid. This is necessary in order to keep the chlorine from being affected by the sun’s rays. When the stabilizer is not used, the proper level of chlorine used to sanitize the pool can’t be maintained properly. The cyanuric acid levels should be checked every few months. The proper level should be between 20 and 60 ppm.

Salt water pool maintenance can be performed by the pool owner. There are several things that should be checked regularly, and some that only need to be checked once or twice during the season. The salt water pool is an easier type of pool to maintain than a chlorinated pool.


Source by Dave R Ballard

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